If you don’t like my new app Sunlit, I will still be happy. Don’t get me wrong. I hope you like Sunlit and it helps you do things with your photos and memories that you couldn’t do before, but if you don’t like it, I’ll still be happy. I’ll be happy because Sunlit is for me.

Sunlit is an app that I’ve wanted for years and I’m thrilled to finally have on my phone. One of my absolute favorite uses for Sunlit is for capturing memories from smaller events. These are events that while important, don’t tend to have the significance of a wedding or Disneyland trip so the photos often never see the light of day. With Sunlit, however, I can now do something meaningful with these photos.

Earlier this year while Sunlit was in beta, I went to a birthday party for my wife’s mother. There were about 15 people present and the celebration went on for around 2 hours. During that time, I snapped close to 60 photos of the party. Some of these photos were blurry, some of them were decent, but a few were quite good. On our drive home, I picked the best ones and created “Nana’s Birthday” story. I then used Sunlit to publish “Nana’s Birthday” and suddenly I had a story captured on a web page that I could share with my wife’s family quickly via an email or SMS message.

This is an important thing to me. Before Sunlit, these photos were just photos. The effort to take them was almost more work than it was worth because they would rarely be seen by me, let alone anyone else. With Sunlit, photos turn into memories. They turn into something beautiful that I can share and that can be appreciated and loved by the people I care about.

So, if you don’t like Sunlit, that’s ok. Sunlit is for me, but Sunlit is also for sharing so I really do hope you like it too.