There is a lot of hyperbole around AI at the moment, and it can be difficult to sort through the noise. Part of the problem, I think, is that much of the focus has (incorrectly) been on generative AI. People get stuck arguing about how realistic an image is, how good a particular LLM is in generating pictures of human hand, or how creepy deep fake videos are. This is largely a distraction – there's so much more going on than just generative AI! These are amazing times because with the right approach, AI can be leveraged to imagine new products that could not have been built even just a few years ago.

But while it's a radical advancement in technology, it's still just another tool in the toolbox for creating amazing products. At Silverpine, we have embraced it internally as a productivity multiplier in our development process, and a few of our current projects have a significant AI component. However, this doesn't make us an AI company, and in fact, I would argue that a company that claims to be an "AI company" is very likely selling snake oil.

That being said, companies that fail to understand and embrace AI expose themselves to considerable existential risk. The power of AI is a generational leap forward in human productivity. Just like the smart phone, the Internet and the electrical grid, the arrival of AI has the potential to unlock another level in human output. And just like those other technologies, there come with it inherent dangers. However, I firmly believe that in the long run, the benefits will greatly outweigh the costs – there's no sticking the genie back into the bottle.

It feels like there are new discoveries and announcements nearly every day. Personally, I'm positively giddy thinking about the things that can be done that previously seemed impossible. And while the unknown can sometimes feel scary, we will do best if we lean into them. What can we make now? What can we do now? I'm excited to find out. Just remember that your ship will travel much further if you row with the current!